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agreement-en [2012/03/27 15:57]
admin создано
agreement-en [2013/12/18 11:02]
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-The agreement ​on Use of the service ​"​OnPay"​ (offer). \\+Licence ​agreement of "​OnPay"​ (MAGNUM LLC) . \\
 \\ \\
 A. General Guideline\\ A. General Guideline\\
Строка 98: Строка 98:
 12.4. Number and record the cost of requesting without VAT * ukazыvayutsya for holding of Operation in the online form. Tochnuyu cost in rubles You can to learn in the operator of his communications;​\\ 12.4. Number and record the cost of requesting without VAT * ukazыvayutsya for holding of Operation in the online form. Tochnuyu cost in rubles You can to learn in the operator of his communications;​\\
 12.5. In case, If the laws of your country, Your comments lybo moral эtycheskye the rules do not pozvolyayut you nahodytsya on the site, such VOZDERZHYTES lookup soderzhymoho do this, the site;\\ 12.5. In case, If the laws of your country, Your comments lybo moral эtycheskye the rules do not pozvolyayut you nahodytsya on the site, such VOZDERZHYTES lookup soderzhymoho do this, the site;\\
-12.6. You understand, that in case, If one or uslovyy A few present opinion an agreement violations by you, the holder of this site, as well as s lyubыe strukturы, osuschestvlyayuschye Tehnicheskoe accompaniment payment shall not bear responsibility for yours Actions, and not Submissions may be otvechat for Possible implications,​ svyazannыe s View soderzhymoho do this, site. +12.6. You understand, that in case, If one or uslovyy A few present opinion an agreement violations by you, the holder of this site, as well as s lyubыe strukturы, osuschestvlyayuschye Tehnicheskoe accompaniment payment shall not bear responsibility for yours Actions, and not Submissions may be otvechat for Possible implications,​ svyazannыe s View soderzhymoho do this, site. \\ 
 +Full name:\\ 
 +Limited Liability Company "​MAGNUM"​\\ 
 +Short name: LLC "​MAGNUM"​\\ 
 +Brand Name: MAGNUM\\ 
 +INN: 7720551124 KPP: 772001001\\ 
 +BIN 1067746537913 Registration date: 27.04.2006 \\ 
 +Legal and actual address:​\\ 
 +111123, Moscow, Enthusiasts highway, 31, office 17\\ 
 +Postal address:​\\ 
 +109052, Moscow, ul. Nizhny Novgorod, 86, cor. "​A",​ K. 38.\\ 
 +Shashmurin Viktor\\ 
 +current account\\ 
 +40702810700050842366 CJSC MKB "​Moscomprivatbank"​ BIK 044585342\\ 
 +kc 30101810400000000342 Office number 2 in Moscow GTU Bank of Russia Moscow\\
agreement-en.txt · Последние изменения: 2016/04/06 08:06 — admin