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paysystems-en [2012/03/27 07:45]
paysystems-en [2012/03/27 07:49]
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-In эtoy Page presented a list of all systems obъedynennыh service aggregator ​Onpay.ru \ \ +This page holds the description ​of major payment methods united by Onpay.ru ​agregation service.\ \ 
-For convenience methods ​Vasheho oplatы razdelenы on categorywith briefly Description ​and Descriptions.+For your convenience ​payment ​methods ​have an icon, a short description, and a link to the manual (how to pay).
 ^Icon ^ Title ^ Short description ^ Category ^ Payee Manual ^ ^Icon ^ Title ^ Short description ^ Category ^ Payee Manual ^
-| {{: Logo_money_yandex.gif |}} | Yandex Money |  Yandex.Money payment system was created in 2002. Yandex.Money'​s partners include banks, Internet and telecom service providers, online stores, game publishers, postal and municipal services, payment systems, etc. Inner currency - Russian ruble. | Electronic money | Links | +| {{: Logo_money_yandex.gif |}} | Yandex Money |Yandex.Money payment system was created in 2002. Yandex.Money'​s partners include banks, Internet and telecom service providers, online stores, game publishers, postal and municipal services, payment systems, etc. Inner currency - Russian ruble. ​ | Electronic money | Links | 
-| {{: Wmr.gif |}} {{: wmz.gif |}} {{: wme.gif |}} {{: wmu.gif |}} {{: wmb.gif |}} | {{: logo_webmoney.jpg |}} | WebMoney ​or WebMoney Transfer ​(proyznosytsya "​webmoney"​- Hot electronic raschetnaya systemnot yavlyayuschayasya bankovskoyYmeet more than 16 million ​rehystratsyy\ \ The system obraschayutsya Private electronic money. \ \ The system ymeetsya A few species of raschёtnыh units (so nazыvaemыh "​tytulnыh significant"​),​ which Submissions may be in hranytsya of relevant "of electronic koshelkah»:​ \ \ WMR - эkvyvalent RUB at R-koshelkah;​ \ \ WMZ - эkvyvalent USD at Z-koshelkah;​ \ \ WME - эkvyvalent EUR at E-koshelkah;​ \ \ WMU - эkvyvalent UAH at U-koshelkah;​ \ \ WMB - эkvyvalent BYR on B-koshelkah; ​| electronic money | Links |+| {{: Wmr.gif |}} {{: wmz.gif |}} {{: wme.gif |}} {{: wmu.gif |}} {{: wmb.gif |}} | {{: logo_webmoney.jpg |}} |WebMoney ​is an electronic money and online payment system (transactions are conducted through ​WebMoney Transfer). WM Transfer Ltdthe owner and administrator of WebMoney Transfer Online Payment System, was founded in 1998 and is a legal corporate entity of Belize, Central AmericaOriginally targeted mainly at Russian clients, it is now used worldwide. The company claims to have more than 11 million ​users. | electronic money | Links |
 | {{: Logo_rbkmoney.gif |}} | RBKmoney | RBK Money (in the past - RUpay) - The Russian electronic payment system. | Electronic money | Links | | {{: Logo_rbkmoney.gif |}} | RBKmoney | RBK Money (in the past - RUpay) - The Russian electronic payment system. | Electronic money | Links |
 | {{: Logo_moneymail.jpg |}} | Moneymail | The "​Manymэyl"​ (MoneyMail) was created in 2004. In neutron obъedynen experience specialists of the Moscow bank "​megawatt-Bank"​ (c 19.10.2006 - CJSC "Bank FYNAM"​) in the field of remote control denezhnыmy means. For osuschestvlenyya of banking co operatsyy expense polzuetsya services company "Bank FYNAM."​ Эkvayrynh (maintenance of) of credit card osuschestvlyaet "​Raiffeisenbank"​ (previously "​Ympэksbank"​). | Electronic money | Links | | {{: Logo_moneymail.jpg |}} | Moneymail | The "​Manymэyl"​ (MoneyMail) was created in 2004. In neutron obъedynen experience specialists of the Moscow bank "​megawatt-Bank"​ (c 19.10.2006 - CJSC "Bank FYNAM"​) in the field of remote control denezhnыmy means. For osuschestvlenyya of banking co operatsyy expense polzuetsya services company "Bank FYNAM."​ Эkvayrynh (maintenance of) of credit card osuschestvlyaet "​Raiffeisenbank"​ (previously "​Ympэksbank"​). | Electronic money | Links |
paysystems-en.txt · Последние изменения: 2023/02/27 08:46 — support