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paysystems-en [2012/03/27 07:49]
paysystems-en [2012/03/27 07:52]
Строка 4: Строка 4:
 | {{: Logo_money_yandex.gif |}} | Yandex Money |Yandex.Money payment system was created in 2002. Yandex.Money'​s partners include banks, Internet and telecom service providers, online stores, game publishers, postal and municipal services, payment systems, etc. Inner currency - Russian ruble. ​ | Electronic money | Links | | {{: Logo_money_yandex.gif |}} | Yandex Money |Yandex.Money payment system was created in 2002. Yandex.Money'​s partners include banks, Internet and telecom service providers, online stores, game publishers, postal and municipal services, payment systems, etc. Inner currency - Russian ruble. ​ | Electronic money | Links |
 | {{: Wmr.gif |}} {{: wmz.gif |}} {{: wme.gif |}} {{: wmu.gif |}} {{: wmb.gif |}} | {{: logo_webmoney.jpg |}} |WebMoney is an electronic money and online payment system (transactions are conducted through WebMoney Transfer). WM Transfer Ltd, the owner and administrator of WebMoney Transfer Online Payment System, was founded in 1998 and is a legal corporate entity of Belize, Central America. Originally targeted mainly at Russian clients, it is now used worldwide. The company claims to have more than 11 million users. | electronic money | Links | | {{: Wmr.gif |}} {{: wmz.gif |}} {{: wme.gif |}} {{: wmu.gif |}} {{: wmb.gif |}} | {{: logo_webmoney.jpg |}} |WebMoney is an electronic money and online payment system (transactions are conducted through WebMoney Transfer). WM Transfer Ltd, the owner and administrator of WebMoney Transfer Online Payment System, was founded in 1998 and is a legal corporate entity of Belize, Central America. Originally targeted mainly at Russian clients, it is now used worldwide. The company claims to have more than 11 million users. | electronic money | Links |
-| {{: Logo_rbkmoney.gif |}} | RBKmoney | RBK Money (in the past - RUpay) - The Russian electronic payment system. | Electronic money | Links |+| {{: Logo_rbkmoney.gif |}} | RBKmoney |RBK Money (former ​RUpay) - The Russian electronic payment system. | Electronic money | Links |
 | {{: Logo_moneymail.jpg |}} | Moneymail | The "​Manymэyl"​ (MoneyMail) was created in 2004. In neutron obъedynen experience specialists of the Moscow bank "​megawatt-Bank"​ (c 19.10.2006 - CJSC "Bank FYNAM"​) in the field of remote control denezhnыmy means. For osuschestvlenyya of banking co operatsyy expense polzuetsya services company "Bank FYNAM."​ Эkvayrynh (maintenance of) of credit card osuschestvlyaet "​Raiffeisenbank"​ (previously "​Ympэksbank"​). | Electronic money | Links | | {{: Logo_moneymail.jpg |}} | Moneymail | The "​Manymэyl"​ (MoneyMail) was created in 2004. In neutron obъedynen experience specialists of the Moscow bank "​megawatt-Bank"​ (c 19.10.2006 - CJSC "Bank FYNAM"​) in the field of remote control denezhnыmy means. For osuschestvlenyya of banking co operatsyy expense polzuetsya services company "Bank FYNAM."​ Эkvayrynh (maintenance of) of credit card osuschestvlyaet "​Raiffeisenbank"​ (previously "​Ympэksbank"​). | Electronic money | Links |
 | {{: Onpay.png |}} | Onpay.ru | aggregator of electronic payments. Not yavlyaetsya platezhnoy by system, since ymeet not clean up your currency. Ymeet service "Onpay Koshelek"​ for convenience povtornыh calculations on occasion oshybochnыh payments. | Electronic money | [[pay-onpay-wallet | Payments Onpay Koshelek]] | | {{: Onpay.png |}} | Onpay.ru | aggregator of electronic payments. Not yavlyaetsya platezhnoy by system, since ymeet not clean up your currency. Ymeet service "Onpay Koshelek"​ for convenience povtornыh calculations on occasion oshybochnыh payments. | Electronic money | [[pay-onpay-wallet | Payments Onpay Koshelek]] |
paysystems-en.txt · Последние изменения: 2023/02/27 08:46 — support