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Licence agreement of «OnPay» (MAGNUM LLC) .

A. General Guideline

1.1. The present The agreement on Use of the service (further The agreement) yavlyaetsya publychnoy ofertoy and opysыvaet terms predostavlenyya services service OnPay (Next Service). Sovershenye ukazannыh in Ofer of action by this consent yavlyaetsya Confirmation zaklyuchyt contract at Assist services to the conditions, in order and obъeme, yzlozhennыh in Ofer.
1.2.Storonamy present opinion an agreement yavlyayutsya Service in face upravlyayuschey Company Ltd. «Magnum» and dear deesposobnoe Physical or a legal lytso, polzuyuscheesya services service (further Polzovatel). Tools and Polzovatel Next to the text together ymenuyutsya «Sides».
1.3. Dannoe agreement rehlamentyruet relations between Users and Service in wake services, predostavlyaemыh Service Members, and all otmenyaet predshestvuyuschye of agreements between the Service and Members in this scenario the subject.
1.4. Before Using services service Polzovatel obyazan examine and Accept all terms present opinion agreements. Otherwise case, could not Polzovatel polzovatsya services service. Using services Service requires the consent of Members Full, with rules, terms to, and limit illegal prochymy the terms of cooperation, in this scenario yzlozhennыmy documents at predostavlenyya services.
1.5. Dannoe agreement not otmenyaet deystvuyuscheho legislation of countries recording and mestonahozhdenyya Service and Members, as well as relations between dohovornыh Users and Platezhnoy by system (the system). In case, If by the terms of legislation or deystvuyuscheho ynыh of agreements could not Polzovatel polzovatsya Service services, the Using Data services Members zaprescheno DATA rules and will be acknowledged nelehalnыm.
1.6. By otdelnыm types of services and products prymenyayutsya SPECIAL and / or dopolnytelnыe terms and rules, who spetsyalnыmy dopolnytelnыmy regulated by agreements.

2. And determining of Terms

2.1. «OnPay» - this is servysnoe Name of, belonging to the company OOO «Magnum» yavlyayuscheesya Title service for exchanging and oplatы services, located in the network for Internet and e http://www.onpay.ru predlahayuscheho svoy services with the help of the software interface specifically users.
2.2. User of - a dear deesposobnoe Physical, or a legal lytso, yspolzuyuschee services Tools and pryznayuscheho terms by this ofertы.
2.3. Electronic currency - denezhnoe and / or ynoe obyazatelstvo between developer dannoy valyutы and users of EE, vыrazhennoe in electronic form.
2.4. Platezhnaya system - software characteristics - apparatnыy product razrabotannыy third storonoy predstavlyayuschyy and a mechanism for the realization record the denezhnыh and / or ynыh obyazatelstv, as well as the organization vzaymoraschetov svoymy between users.

3. The subject of an agreement

3.1. The object of the present opinion yavlyayutsya an agreement on exchange of services Service, purchase and sale of electronic currency, predoplachennыh cards, as well as ynыe services, description kotorыh brought on site service.
3.2. Service offers services everyone svoy Users and not proveryaet competence and legitimacy vladenyya Members эlektronnыmy currencies and / or fynansovыmy funds, yspolzuyuschymysya in exchange of, and not osuschestvlyaet surveillance by Operation User is any point from the Platezhnыh systems. At the same time, Service ostavlyaet the right to cancel vыpolnyayuschuyusya Operation, and again by vnesennыe Members эlektronnuyu valyutы and / or a financial funds without obъyasnenyya reasons.
3.3. Payment systems and / or a financial Institutions are ysklyuchytelnuyu responsibility for the funds, im vverennыe users. Service could not yavlyatsya storonoy in agreement between Platezhnoy by system and / or fynansovыm Institutions and Members, and us at some least not responsible for nepravylnoe or nepravomochnoe Using Members of opportunities Platezhnoy system, as well as by zloupotreblenye Members funktsyonalnostyu Platezhnoy system. Vzaymnыe rights and duties of Members and Platezhnoy system and / or regulated by a financial Institutions of relevant agreements.
3.4. Luba zavershennaya Operation by exchange of, purchase or sale of эlektronnoy valyutы, as well as ynaya Operation, predlahaemaya Service Members, schytaetsya irrevocable, ie could not be otmenena Members after the completion of EE - Members obtain prychytayuschehosya emu on the terms of the transaction previously aktseptovannыm.
3.5. Service exercises pryostanovyt or cancel vыpolnyayuschuyusya Operation, if such upolnomochennыh on organs then enter information about the nepravomochnosty vladenyya Members эlektronnыmy currencies or fynansovыmy funds and / or ynaya Information, delayuschaya nevozmozhnыm predostavlenye Service Members services.
3.6. Service exercises pryostanovyt or cancel vыpolnyayuschuyusya Operation, if present opinion Polzovatel narushaet terms agreements.

4. Predostavlyaemыe services service

4.1. Service predostavlyaet exchanging services and sales of electronic currency, sales predoplachennыh cards of electronic and obыchnыh goods and services osuschestvlyaemaya how im such of his behalf, and so On the basis ahentskyh contracting with suppliers of goods and services.
4.2. Service Members to grant obyazuetsya neobhodymuyu tehnycheskuyu konsultatsyonnuyu and support, with svyazannuyu predostavlenyem oplatoy and services.
4.1. Order of services Service, Office of the process the transaction or receipt of information about the transaction During vыpolnenyya Members proyzvodyatsya solely with the help sootvetstvuyuscheho Custom Interface, located on the site Service
4.2. Operation exchanging electronic currency schytaetsya zavershennoy with momentum transfer service to summы ukazannыy client expense, account, koshelek number or record the Different Register (Next Essential) of electronic funds Members.
4.3. Operation exchanging yavlyaetsya odnorazovoy a transaction. Vozvrat perevedennыh funds after the completion of exchanging nevozmozhen. In the event of impossibility osuschestvlenyya the transaction mhnovenno (absence connection with the server platezhnoy system, tehnycheskye problem), transfer of money going on in the recipient techenye 24 hours.
4.4. Service exercises pryostanovyt predostavlenye services for technical support or modernization of the site.
4.5. Service exercises otkazat In the future predostavlenyy services, if Polzovatel osuschestvlyaet Actions, who lead or lead k uhudshenyyu rabotosposobnosty system, obespechyvayuschey predostavlenyy services.

5. The cost of services

5.1. The cost of services is determined by the leadership of the Service and publykuetsya on site service. Guide Service exercises menyat rastsenky for services without Service Extended Notifications.
5.2. In addition ustanovlennыh rastsenok, Polzovatel also vozmeschaet all dopolnytelnыe Costs of departure for postal, telephone, fax and others, voznykshye During delovыh ​​relations with service.

6. Taxation

6.1. Service not yavlyaetsya nalohovыm agent for Members, and will not be uvedomlyat Members otnosytelno ego nalohovыh yzderzhek. User of obyazuetsya samostoyatelno vыplachyvat all taxes, trebuemыe According Tax legislation of space ego lodging.
6.2. If in the event of such Service Authorities potrebuetsya uplata Members taxes or coating arrears, as a result of voznykshey otkaza Members pay taxes, Polzovatel sohlashaetsya vozmeschat of Service ALL DATA payment.

7. Guarantee and responsibility of the parties

7.1. Service predostavlyaet svoy services for the conditions «as is,» How They opysanы on page Service and offers no guarantees of additional nykakyh.
7.2. Service harantyruet yspolnenye obyazatelstv to Members only in predelah amount, vverennыh of Service Members for osuschestvlenyya operation.
7.3. Service prylozhyt all usylyya, but not harantyruet that the accessibility of his services will be around the clock and Daily. Service not neset nykakoy liability for ubыtky, nepoluchennuyu profit and ynыe Costs Members, voznykshye as a result of impossibility of obtaining access k site and services service.
7.4. Service not neset nykakoy liability for ubыtky, nepoluchennuyu profit and ynыe Costs Members, yavyvshyesya zaderzhek result, mistakes or sboev of banking in the holding of payments or of electronic Translation.
7.5. Service not neset nykakoy liability for ubыtky, nepoluchennuyu profit and ynыe Costs Members, yavyvshyesya result oshybochnыh ozhydanyy Members AGAINST tariff rate service, prybыlnosty NetworkSolutions and ynыh subъektyvnыh factors.
7.6. User of harantyruet vozmeschenye ubыtkov Service (upravlyayuschey companies, managers and collaborators) in cases predъyavlenyya yskov or claims directly or kosvenno coupled, using services Service Members by ysklyuchenyem ubыtkov, vыzvannыh vynovnыmy (umыshlennыmy or neostorozhnыmy) Actions of the service.
7.7. User of harantyruet that the yavlyaetsya vladeltsem or ymeet pravomochnыe Founded for disposal amount, yspolzuyuschymysya ego in a transaction.
7.7. User of harantyruet that the provodymыe im Operation not yspolzuyutsya for nezakonnoy trade, fynansovыh mahynatsyy, otmыvanyya and Legalization denezhnыh funds, poluchennыh nezakonnыm putem and second nezakonnыh action. 7.8. User of obyazuetsya not falsyfytsyrovat kommunykatsyonnыe flows svyazannыe with functioning service.
7.9. User of pryznaet that the soderzhymoe Site Tools popadaet under the protection of legislation on guarding service property rights, intellectual property and copyrights. Using Nesanktsyonyrovannoe do this, soderzhymoho illegally.
7.10. Responsible for the user of funktsyonalnost and uses of the possibility of his personal computer and / or second ynoho equipment, neobhodymoho to access the system k sovershenyya sdelok via interface service. 7.11. Service is not responsible for the loss of, and / or Damage (ubыtok) voznykshyy in connection with the uses of nevozmozhnostyu Members of their own equipment and / or ego elements, and / or the necessary absence or Full, chastychnoy funktsyonalnosty ego ego equipment or elements.
7.12. All claims the parties co Members at nenadlezhaschem vыpolnenyy service ego handrail (rasporyazhenyy) dolzhnы bыt predъyavlenы of service is Late something through five days, after the transfer of service datы sootvetstvuyuscheho poruchenyya (disposal).

8. Protection of information, access and Communications

8.1. For reasons of security, not Service handles poruchenyya or application postupayuschye from Members by e-mail (e-mail), with box, previously not zarehystryrovannoho in service.
8.2. Pysmennыe Messages Service Members schytayutsya yspolnennыmy from the date on Sending s Recently, address Members, of famous service.
8.3. Members of management in Lyubыe Service vstupayut in force and will be deystvytelnы only after obtaining full of s service and Correct Identification Members how Vladeltsa denezhnыh funds, in so doing Polzovatel how Holder denezhnыh funds will bear the responsibility of all to do this, Operation moment.
8.4. User of obyazuetsya samostoyatelno prynymat all neobhodymыe merы to confidentiality and preservation of data from zaschyte lychnыh nesanktsyonyrovannoho uses of and access co the parties Thirdly persons.
8.5. Service ostavlyaet the right otkazat Members of Use of the Service, in the event of occurrence in the law of action somnenyy user.
8.6. Service obyazuetsya soblyudat the Privacy of personal AGAINST Data Members for ysklyuchenyem of cases, when:
- Information yavlyaetsya obschedostupnoy;
- Series of requirements or with the permission of Members;
- Requires the contractors to predostavlenyya obъeme, neobhodymom for yspolnenyya uslovyy ofertы;
- Disclosure on request requires the judgment or upolnomochennыh hosudarstvennыh organs.

9. Emergency

9.1. Neither Polzovatel, Service us not to be Responsible Friend to Friend by Delay or neyspolnenye svoyh obyazatelstv, yavlyayuschyhsya result obstoyatelstv nepreodolymoy forces of occurrence include styhyynыe bedstvyya, pozhar, navodnenye, terrorystycheskye Acts, Changing legislation, hrazhdanskye volnenyya, as well as not functioning Platezhnыh systems, эnerhosnabzhenyya, communications networks and suppliers Internet - services.

10. Rassmotrenye disputes.

10.1. All sporы and raznohlasyya in this scenario the Agreement reshayutsya putem negotiations. In the event of occurrence of claims is necessary obratytsya Members of contacts ukazannыm on the site in the section «Contacts»
10.2. Administration Service not responsible and not vozmeschaet ubыtky, voznykshye wrong with Use of the service, as well as mistakes Members sovershennыh im at filling the Forms or exchanging oplatы, who Submissions may lead k transfer funds to oshybochno ukazannыe Essential.
10.3. In the event of impossibility solutions spore putem negotiations, the parties peredayut Delhi on rassmotrenye «Arbytrazhnoho service» WebMoney Transfer.

11. Changes an agreement

11.1. The present agreement for publicly Situated to website Service and Maybe of changes and additions leadership Tools unilaterally without Extended Notifications Members. Changes vstupayut force from the date publication of an agreement at the site of the company http://www.onpay.ru.
11.2. Obyazatelstva service, real predusmotrennыe The agreement, bыt im Submissions may be handed over Thirdly to others.

12 Of particular SMS Terms of Use

Otsыlaya DATA SMS to short number and pressed for starting the «Submit», you understand it and podtverzhdaete that:
12.1. You already yspolnylos 18 years (21 hours if you would citizen USA);
12.2. Services replenishment expense has been okazana you in Full, least, and do you not ymeete k claims the site and lyubыm structures osuschestvlyayuschym Tehnicheskoe accompaniment of payment;
12.3. Greene funds plant is irrevocably;
12.4. Number and record the cost of requesting without VAT * ukazыvayutsya for holding of Operation in the online form. Tochnuyu cost in rubles You can to learn in the operator of his communications;
12.5. In case, If the laws of your country, Your comments lybo moral эtycheskye the rules do not pozvolyayut you nahodytsya on the site, such VOZDERZHYTES lookup soderzhymoho do this, the site;
12.6. You understand, that in case, If one or uslovyy A few present opinion an agreement violations by you, the holder of this site, as well as s lyubыe strukturы, osuschestvlyayuschye Tehnicheskoe accompaniment payment shall not bear responsibility for yours Actions, and not Submissions may be otvechat for Possible implications, svyazannыe s View soderzhymoho do this, site.

Full name:
Magnum, LLC
Short name: LLC «MAGNUM»
Brand Name: MAGNUM
INN: 7720551124 KPP: 772001001
Registration number 1067746537913 Registration date: 27.04.2006
Legal and actual address:
Russian Federation
111123, Moscow, Enthusiasts highway, 31, office 17
Postal address:
109052, Moscow, Nizhegorodskaya srt. 86/А - 38
Shashmurin Viktor
current account
40702810700050842366 CJSC MKB «Moscomprivatbank» BIK 044585342
kc 30101810400000000342 Office number 2 in Moscow GTU Bank of Russia Moscow

agreement-en.1389176213.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2014/01/08 10:16 — admin