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In эtoy Page presented a list of all systems obъedynennыh service aggregator Onpay.ru \ \ For convenience methods Vasheho oplatы razdelenы on category, with briefly Description and Descriptions.

Icon Title Short description Category Payee Manual
Yandex Yandex - electronic payment system. Obespechyvaet conduct of the fynansovыh raschёtov between actors system (to others, otkrыvshymy expense in the system) in real time. Currency raschёtov - Finance Russian ruble. Electronic money Links
WebMoney or WebMoney Transfer (proyznosytsya «webmoney») - Hot electronic raschetnaya system, not yavlyayuschayasya bankovskoy. Ymeet more than 16 million rehystratsyy. \ \ The system obraschayutsya Private electronic money. \ \ The system ymeetsya A few species of raschёtnыh units (so nazыvaemыh «tytulnыh significant»), which Submissions may be in hranytsya of relevant «of electronic koshelkah»: \ \ WMR - эkvyvalent RUB at R-koshelkah; \ \ WMZ - эkvyvalent USD at Z-koshelkah; \ \ WME - эkvyvalent EUR at E-koshelkah; \ \ WMU - эkvyvalent UAH at U-koshelkah; \ \ WMB - эkvyvalent BYR on B-koshelkah; electronic money Links
RBKmoney RBK Money (in the past - RUpay) - The Russian electronic payment system. Electronic money Links
Moneymail The «Manymэyl» (MoneyMail) was created in 2004. In neutron obъedynen experience specialists of the Moscow bank «megawatt-Bank» (c 19.10.2006 - CJSC «Bank FYNAM») in the field of remote control denezhnыmy means. For osuschestvlenyya of banking co operatsyy expense polzuetsya services company «Bank FYNAM.» Эkvayrynh (maintenance of) of credit card osuschestvlyaet «Raiffeisenbank» (previously «Ympэksbank»). Electronic money Links
Onpay.ru aggregator of electronic payments. Not yavlyaetsya platezhnoy by system, since ymeet not clean up your currency. Ymeet service «Onpay Koshelek» for convenience povtornыh calculations on occasion oshybochnыh payments. Electronic money Payments Onpay Koshelek
Money @ mail Brendyrovannыy Mail.ru service MoneyMail. Klyuchevoy project partner by entering money - Network platezhnыh terminals QIWI. Submissions may be by system Denhy@Mail.Ru polzovatsya only rezydentы of. For example, for vozvrata money from the system, account holder dolzhen nahodytsya the territory of Russia and ymet Finance Russian passport. Assortment services service desk is wide, as a system in platezhnoy «Yandex». Platezhnaya system Denhy@Mail.ru oryentyrovana on your circle of users of - for service marks servysov Mail.ru. Electronic money Links
PayPal PayPal (English «friend, pomohayuschyy rasplatytsya») - debetovaya's largest electronic payment system. Currently, PayPal operates in 190 countries of more than 164 and ymeet million registered users. PayPal works with 18 natsyonalnыmy currencies. C October 2002 yavlyaetsya podrazdelenyem company eBay. In 2007, open the access was a эtu system and for residents nekotorыh CIS countries (non pryёma payments). By 2005, when obnaruzhenyy such akkauntov expense Usually zamorazhyvalys. Raznytsы between statuses in the CIS countries, in such excellence The majority of second countries, no. C November 2008 year in PayPal appeared russkoyazыchnыy interface. Using PayPal system plant is based on besplatnoy: Registration in the system for free for of departure denezhnыh Commission of funds with no user of snymaetsya for ysklyuchenyem pryvylehyrovannыh statusov (Premier and Business). Committee vzymaetsya s recipient of the payment, the size of the commission zavysyt Location consent from the country's Users and status. Electronic money Links
Unified Koshelek Unified koshelёk - payment system Internet, vhodyaschaya in composition multyservysa W1, in addition of various predlahayuscheho multyplatformennыh platezhnыh orchestrate IP-telephony services (under the brand name «Unified Phone») and vydeohostynha. Running on the market, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, the United States. Electronic money Links
Liberty Reserve Electronic platezhnaya system Liberty Reserve - 100% bezotzыvnaya platezhnaya system and Digital currency. Zarehystryrovana and operates in Costa Ryke (offshornaya zone) and podchynyaetsya laws эtoy country. Electronic money Links
QIWI (OSMP) Obъedynёnnaya system momentalnыh payments (OSMP) - The Russian company, vladeyuschaya of large networks of electronic terminals platёzhnыh, prynymayuschyh nalychnыe money and pozvolyayuschye oplachyvat: mobile communications services operators (Payments for Communications in sotovыm phones), Internet access to the network (service providers, Internet), electronic transfer of money in platёzhnыe systems (WebMoney and others), Internet hosting, sputnykovoe television, cable television. Of the Company prynadlezhyt brand QIWI (chytaetsya «kyvy») - payment system for oplatы of various services, including, Internet-services. Payment termynalы Link
Эleksnet «Эleksnet» - a Russian company servysnaya, predostavlyayuschaya consumers kruhlosutochnuyu opportunity momentalnoy эlektronnoy oplatы goods and services, osuschestvlenyya denezhnыh Translation. Sozdannaya in 2000 year, the company yavlyaetsya pyonerom market admission fees through termynalы. Payment termynalы Link
Novoplat Company «Novoplat« - a network platezhnыh's largest terminals in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, as well as odnoymennaya platezhnaya system. At the moment the territory of North-West Federal District naschytыvaetsya more than 2,000 terminals in pryemu of electronic payments. Payment termynalы Link
Evroset «Euroset» - a Russian company, retailer, vladeyuschaya odnoymёnnoy salon sotovoy network connection. «Euroset» and eё founder Eugene Chichvarkin has received shyrokuyu yzvestnost in the country thanks to vivid reklamnыm Campaign, эpatazhnomu ymydzhu, as well as conflict with pravoohranytelnыmy bodies pryvedshemu k эmyhratsyy Chichvarkin. In 2006, the company zanymala 37% of Russian market sotovыh phones [3]. The headquarters is located in Moscow. Payment termynalы Payments termynalы Euroset
ATMs Russia Payments lyubыe ATMs Finance Russian Federation. Payment termynalы Link
Platezh.ru Platezh.ru - first in Russia, Internet terminal, obъedynyvshyy reliability of banking cards co speeds and convenience prostotoy payments in the network. K oplate cards are accepted VISA, MasterCard and Maestro of any Bank of Russia or Europe. Payments through banks Link
Liqpay LiqPAY - otkrыtaya platezhnaya system, which will be pozvolyaet transfer money with the help of mobile phone, Internet and platezhnыh cards Quantity âñ ¸ ì world. The system has been LiqPAY creatures in 2008. Vыstupaet alternatyvoy Webmoney and PayPal. Materynskaya Company: Privat. Payments through banks Link
payments through banks Onpay.ru supports calculation in rubles, dollars and euros in lyubыh banks of the Russian Federation. Payments through banks - klassycheskyy method of calculations between of legal services to others and oplatы by agreement of physical lytsom. Despite the fact that the all bolshee The number of calculations is conducted in electronic form, payments through banks ostayutsya populyarnыmy, especially on peripherals payments through banks Link
system «International money transfers Leader» (International Money Transfers System Leader) - International operator denezhnыh for Translation of individuals. The system has been Leader was created in April 2003. Predstavlyaet services for denezhnыm transfer without opening expense for of individuals, as well as admission of payments in 1000 addresses providers, services okazыvayuschyh population in Russia and CIS countries. System Leader operates in 130 countries around the world, naschytыvaet 130 000 ITEMS service marks. Systems denezhnыh Translation Links
CONTACT - pervaya Rossiyskaya Technology mezhdunarodnыh denezhnыh Translation into U.S. dollars and euros, as well as vnutryrossyyskyh Translation in rubles. System CONTACT - this is hlobalnaya network of credit organizations, postage organizations, of persons of legal and of Russian Foreign spetsyalyzyrovannыh systems / companies osuschestvlyayuschyh money transfers and Payments of individuals without opening account. Systems denezhnыh Translation Links
«Gold Crown» - a Russian platezhnaya system brings together more than 220 banks in 75 regions of Russia and CIS. Infrastructure platezhnoy system «Gold Crown» naschytыvaet svыshe 18 thousand. devices. As at 1 January 2009 GENERAL SUMMARY The number эmytyrovannыh in the system «Gold Crown» cards in the whole of produktovoy scaling amounted to 14.38 million units. In the year 2008 in techenye system soversheno 335 490 000 operations. Systems denezhnыh Translation Links
41-pr._png Mail Russia Federal gosudarstvennoe unytarnoe Enterprise (FSUE) «Mail of Russia» - a Russian hosudarstvennaya Inc., operator of state pochtovoy the Russian network. The headquarters - in Moscow. Member Vsemyrnoho posting Union. State naschytыvaet order of 400,000 collaborators. Entry form Category Link
SMS-Payments Kratkoe description entry form Category Link
Payment SB expense Beeline Payment mobylnoy kartoy RURU (sovmestnыy project Beeline and Alfabank) VISA / Mastercard Link
Payment SB expense MTS Mobilnye payments, payment of balance with MTS (only for Russia) Payments with number Links
paysystems-en.1332834154.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2012/03/27 07:42 — admin